CATTLE Pedigrees
These are maintained on the Pedeweb database by the Devon Cattle Breeders society. Search for owner '00459'.
The best bloodlines here are originally Wellshead, Tilbrook and Colleton, with the impact of the Ashott Barton Monty bull adding a nice home-bred cow 'Dittisham Plum' to the herd.
Now using AI, I have Thorndale Assirati and Bollowal Elgar 'in the tank', with Tilbrook Prince available as an 'easy-calving bull' to use on the show heifers in 2016.
2014 and 2015 Calvings were mainly to Thorndale Assirati.
2016 calvings (7 expected) are all to Bollowall Elgar.
2017 calvings should be 6 to Bollowall Elgar and 3 heifers to Tilbrook Prince.
I recommend 'my AI man' Pete Stacey of Paignton, who covers the South Hams area: trading as 'In-Sem South-West' on 07792 615202.